Talk on Academic and Professional Writing by Dr. Sadaf Munshi

Dr. Sadaf Munshi will do a presentation about professional and academic writing. In doing so, she will talk about different types of professional writing, their various aspects, and some key questions and concerns to consider in professional and academic writing which can help improve the quality of our writing and its outcomes in professional and academic fields.

Dr. Sadaf Munshi

Chair, Department of Linguistics, College of Information, University of North Texas

Dr. Sadaf Munshi’s research focuses on documenting endangered languages in India and Pakistan – the two contentious neighbors engaged in continued political tension. The larger goal of her research is to build lasting collaborations, infrastructure and capacity in these areas, which pose a number of social, political and cultural challenges and obstacles. Through multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural collaborations, Munshi hopes to help generate student interest in matters of international importance and catalyze study abroad initiatives at UNT.

  • Event Date: 27-Jul-2019
  • Venue: UGC-HRDC, University of Kashmir
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